
Published on:

14th Jan 2024

Matthew 22:23-33 (#74.2023.11.05)

Welcome to another episode of Beholding Bible Truth, where we continue studying Matthew. Today, Scott discusses the living and active nature of scripture, its absolute truth, and its significance in providing answers in a world filled with falsehood. He also shares a personal story of miracles, underscoring the impact of seeking God's guidance through scripture.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Seek hope, assurance, confidence in Bible truths.
  • Book with points, shares gospel, can't know.
  • Surprising journey to the stadium, parking for 75¢.
  • Jesus addresses reliance on scriptures for eternal life.
  • Seek Holy Spirit's wisdom and revelation knowledge.
  • God's words are living and powerful.
  • Stressing the importance of God's word.
  • Dufe leads people with Christ, gospel without argument.
  • Receive unexpected financial support for San Francisco trip.
  • Miracles validate messenger of word of God

Blank Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xbCZBQaSX1jPz8Tq1yLFw4qJVkTh2uH2/view?usp=sharing

Filled in Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f1Y04jkgRGkc1FxXaVQ7INDQovOZkV7m/view?usp=sharing

Scott Keffer [:

Hi. If you're looking for greater hope, assurance, and confidence through the shifting sands of life, Then join me on today's episode as we dig deep into the Bible to discover rock solid truth for life and living from the God of the Bible. I'm your host, Scott Keffer. Okay. On that day, some scientists say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus and questioned him asking, teacher, Moses said, If a man dies having no children, his brother as next to kin shall marry his wife and raise up children for his brother. Now there were 7 brothers with us. The 1st married and died, and having no children, left his wife to his brother. So also the 2nd and the 3rd down to the 7th, last of all, the woman die.

Scott Keffer [:

In the resurrection, therefore, Whose wife of the 7 will she be, for they all have married her? But Jesus answered and said to them, you are mistaken, Not understanding the scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection, they neither marry are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven. But regarding the resurrection of the dead, Have you not read what was spoken to you by God? I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the god of the dead, but of the living. When the crowd heard this, they were astonished at his teaching. The word of the lord. Thanks be to god. So here they are, more questioning of god.

Scott Keffer [:

Of course, the Sadducees were the liberal theologians of their time. They were anti supernaturalists. They didn't believe in anything supernatural. And only in the first 5 books, pen and duke of Moses, Barclay says they were wealthy, they were aristocratic, And they were the governing flag. So they'd show up with Jesus, and they proposed to him a riddle. Riddle me this, Riddler. Hoping to ridicule the lord Jesus. How many of you, before you were believers, Thought you had questions that boxed God in the corner that proved that God didn't exist, that phoned God for being a fraud.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? How many of you have friends or family members, right, now that you're believers who have questions that they assume push God into the corner? Both god for being abroad. Right? And assume now I've got you. I've got you. Right? And you're caught off guard sometimes, aren't you? And how many have felt like I need to answer every question? Well, the answer is you don't. God has not caught on guard. He doesn't feel the need to answer every question. He's not pushed back into the corner because our God is Free. Our God reigns.

Scott Keffer [:

He doesn't need to answer anyone's questions, frankly. Right? He's not he's not Caught off guard. He's not pushed into a corner. So it's just a good reminder. So they're they give him this riddle, and it's about a lemurite marriage. If a, married man died childless, it's a brother's responsibility to marry that one and impregnate her, and then that Heir is the heir of their brother. So they said not once, but twice, but 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, 6 times, 7. So who's her husband? Right? So Jesus answered.

Scott Keffer [:

What did he say? You are mistaken. You are mistaken. He says because you do not understand the scriptures. They were mistaken, not understanding the scriptures. So a Greek word literally means they were deceived. They were led astray. They were caused to literally, the word means cause to wander off the path. They were caused to wander off the path because they didn't know, remember, or appreciate the scripture.

Scott Keffer [:

When We first came to Christ, we were going to Westminster Presbyterian Church, and the pastor of the church, Laird Stewart was the pre ahead of the prescriptory in Pittsburgh. And as we went through d James Kennedy's court Evangelism explosion, you had to pick a far deal. So I was excited, so I picked the pastor of the church. So every week, you had to Kinda check-in, and you tell him what you were doing. And then you were also learning the gospel presentation. You had to share that Wait a minute. At the end, you had to give it to, you know, your partner. Supposedly, this is your prayer partner.

Scott Keffer [:

Supposed to share it with your prayer partner and record it. I get the feedback on it. So as we're meeting each week, he said, oh, here's what you need to do. You need to go to the, because I was going over to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary getting books over there. He said, here's you need to get this book, this book, and this book, which I took out. And what they did is explain to me why the book, the very beginning, the Old Testament, was just myth. Interesting stories, but they're a mess and why you really couldn't trust them. And so he began to have conversations with me about, You know, Bible is interesting.

Scott Keffer [:

It has, you know, points, but it's just a book just like every other book. But at the end of the time, I would share with him, you know, we We were we would be going on the north side, and we'd knock on doors and give the gospel, and we'd go into the mall back when you could do that and, You know, do questionnaires and do all that kind of stuff, and he was saying, woah, boy. So at the end of the period of time, I'd share the gospel with him. And he said, you can't know. I said, really? He said, oh, no. No. He said, you're like my sister. Really? What's your sister like? She believed you could know.

Scott Keffer [:

That's all. It does say in 1st John. Right? These things I've written to you in order that you may know that you have eternal life. He was The son has the life. He who does not have the son of God does not have the life. Yeah. But you can't know. That was interesting.

Scott Keffer [:

It was shortly after that, we exited. That's right. We exited out of there, but it was an interesting journey Because for me, it was surprising because as I was as God was moving on my heart, and I was reading the bible, which was the zippered Bible that Beth bought me, which was astounding to me that anybody would put a zipper on a book. Just seemed weird. Why would you put a zipper on a book? You And I'm I'm reading in their King James version. They had to sort of go through the King James stuff, and I'm tuning in The radio and my Fiat Strada driving into Pittsburgh ready to park at the stadium because it was 75¢. You could park at the stadium, and you could walk across the bridge. And having no money, that was the best place to park.

Scott Keffer [:

So I tuned in, and John MacArthur said, what is The Bible. I remember thinking about that. What is the Bible? And it really struck me. I kept thinking, what is the Bible? I don't know God. I don't know who God is, but you can't write a book. You can't write a book and obtain a book for can't be much of a god. I don't know about God, but I remember that conversation. So the scripture And understanding the scripture has been sort of deeply woven into my gut.

Scott Keffer [:

We were agents of the the The, yeah, the Bible Society, whatever, which printed out Bibles in in languages around. So there, surely, was The woman who ran the Bible Distribution Center, and she taught me also the love of God's word and studying God's word. And So that's been woven into us, literally from the beginning, and then it was really shortly after that that I met Lee Twombly. Because I said to God, I'm gonna do what I always do, which is I start strong and I die. Finish right. My my mother always said my friends came And said, jeez. He's weird. You know? And she said, well, it's okay if you like vitamins.

Scott Keffer [:

He'll you know, he'll get really interested in it, and then it'll fade out. You know? And I said to god, that's me. I start books, and I don't finish them. I start airplane models. I don't finish them. If I'm gonna finish this race, you have to be the one. And he got me to meet Lee Twombly. And, literally, I was at Elby's with Jim Lecky, David Goode, And John Monroe.

Scott Keffer [:

And that was when John Monroe really the front and pastor here. Right? And that was sort of the beginning, and Jim Lecky introduced me To Lee Twombly, and Lee Twombly was with the navigators. It retired from there. And there, I learned to, you know, memorize and apply and And disciple and all the things that have been so important that the scriptures are have been at center of that. And at very beginning for God, He made it really clear how important it was to understand what the scriptures are and decide what role are they gonna play in your life. What role? So that was really that was really important to me. So here they were. These were men who were deeply studied In the scriptures.

Scott Keffer [:

So what was the deal? Well, Jesus speaks to that in John, and he says, you Search the scriptures. Why? Because you think that in searching the scriptures, right, That you have eternal life. He's the testify of me, and you're unwilling to come to me so that you may have life. So what does that mean? They believed in they that they had the ability on their own to study and master the scriptures, And that it is in the mastering of the scriptures that they would have life. Jesus said, you missed it Because the scriptures speak of me, and you're unwilling to come to me. And I love this as he's walking with the man in Luke. He says to them, oh, foolish men and slow of heart slow of heart to what? To believe. He said, you're slow of heart to believe In all that the prophets have spoken, he said, was it not necessary for for Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory? Right.

Scott Keffer [:

So you think about people say, well, I don't study the Old Testament. God's so different there, and he's you know, he just, You know, I I've studied the New Testament where Jesus has shown up. Well, here's what Jesus said. Here's where I show up at the very Beginning. At the very beginning, he said beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, he explained to them the things concerning himself in, Underline, all the scripture have not deeply walked and weeded through the Old Testament. You will not understand the New Testament. You will not appreciate the depth of who the lord Jesus is. We take people through the Old Testament.

Scott Keffer [:

It's like Bang. Bang. Bang. Really? Jesus there. Jesus there. Jesus there. Well, Jesus everywhere In all the scriptures from Moses and beyond, and really before that, Let us make them in our image. Right? He shows up first early before that.

Scott Keffer [:

It is in the Old Testament that you will Understand the depth of the New Testament. There's a new covenant coming. So it's a great reminder that you can't understand the word of God apart from Coming to God. Let's say Psalm 11918. Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things from thy law. So you should never come to the scriptures, not in your personal 1 on 1 time for bible study time, Without seeking the assistance of the one who could open your eyes, because you can't understand to meet your own capability. Can't get it. You can start to rely on your ability to look at, right, do word studies and all of that stuff.

Scott Keffer [:

And it's easy to kinda slide into, I know how to do this, Or I know what this says. I've been down this road before. I think one of the fun things that we go through the scriptures in our Bible study with folks is for people to go through places they've been many times before and to see things they've never seen before. And so the longer you are serious about your study of the word, you can start to depend on your own capability or start to depend on Previous revelation, if you will. Right? God has shown me this before. Oh, ho, I know the answer to that. Well, it's just it is a great reminder for us. Right? Because he said this is what's gonna happen when he comes, the holy spirit, he will disclose the things concerning me.

Scott Keffer [:

So the scriptures, apart from the Holy Spirit, you can't discern. Right? It requires the spirit of god to unfold it for you. I have to remind myself. I say, anointed preparation. The the word there is cold preparation. Think about everything that the soldier had to do from armor, right, the the equipment, the the the clothing. The horse had to be All set, equipment on the horse, horse is prepared, fully prepared, but victory belongs to the lord. But to say to myself, anointed preparation, Anointed proclamation.

Scott Keffer [:

Both. Right? We need both. You need his anointing when you're in the scriptures. So just a reminder, the Holy Spirit, he will glorify me. In fact, in 1, Paul prays, Lord, I pray that, firstly, he says that you would give to them a spirit of wisdom and revelation, a spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge of you, And that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened, that they know the hope of this calling, the riches of his glory, his inheritance in the Saint and the surpassing greatness of his power toward us who believe. So he says, lord, give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in in the knowledge of you. Does that make sense? Right. So Paul is praying for his people, which means he's continuing to pray, Continuing in pride, something you should pray for, something I pray for you all when we pray for you on a regular basis, almost daily for those folks who are in here, That God would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened.

Scott Keffer [:

So you you have to be willing to come to him. You can't understand the word of God. You can't depend on your own ability. You've gotta come to him. So there's a question for you. If if you were to define, Fine. What is the word of God? What is the Bible? Okay. What is the Bible? What is? The Bible.

Scott Keffer [:

I've got that question over the years. It was a question I had when I sat in my Fiat Strada in the parking lot at the Pittsburgh Steelers parking lot and said, what is the Bible? The word of God, his teaching, k, revealing himself Through his son, Jesus. Are you about to find anything different? That's a blood letter, K. Revealing his supremacy and the way to heaven through Jesus. Right? The story of reality, The beginning, the end, and everything in between. That's important. Put on the cover. The Holy Bible.

Scott Keffer [:

The scripture. Right? The scripture. Owner's manual. And more importantly, what happens all the time, I don't. How do you affect the broken? How do you think about that, Scott? Oh, yeah. Think about that. Right? Because it depends on who this is what I'm supposed to do. Now this is what I don't do.

Scott Keffer [:

This is what I don't do. This is not just the owner's manual. This is what this is how he fixed. Right? The fact that I don't do. Right? Holy scripture. Holy scripture. Right? And the fact that we have, you know, 16 Bibles at home and 42 translations, right, Tend to take the word of God and kinda make it ordinary. And the nature of sin is you take what is Extraordinary and make it ordinary.

Scott Keffer [:

We make the things of God pedestrian because there were 400 years when God did not Speak, right, when God did not speak, when God was silent. Right? So we live on this side of it that God has spoken. So it's important to understand. So let's read this from Hebrews. For the word of God is living and active and sharper than a 2 edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, abode, joints, and marrow, enabled To judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. So here's what interesting about scripture. It is alive. It's not just words on a page.

Scott Keffer [:

It is a lie. It's just the weirdest thing. I can remember reading the bible at the beginning, And I thought, I don't know what this is, but it's not just a book. I mean, I just fenced that. Right? The word of God. Why? Because it's working, Living and active. And just a reminder, as interesting as it is to read books about the Bible, It ain't the same as the Bible because it's not a lie. Right? Commentary, devotional, all of those are not a Why? His word is alive.

Scott Keffer [:

It's sharper than any 2 edged sword, piercing as far as the division of Soul and spirit. How do you divide your soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and worse or better, able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. We're dope, by the way, more The people then. Oh, well, it's easy to deceive myself. I'm really good at it. I don't need a manual. I don't need help. I don't need 7 steps to deceive myself.

Scott Keffer [:

I can do it really well. You read God's word on a regular basis, it does not allow you to do it, does it? It revealed. It reveals to you. Right? It is why you know, I learned early on line upon line, precept upon precept. Why is that? Why don't I teach subjects? Very rarely will I take a subject. Finish strong, that's a subject. Finish well. Right? Hide the subject.

Scott Keffer [:

I don't do that. Why? Because it forces me through the stuff I like to read and and the stuff I don't like to read. Right? It proceeded through. God's word is alive. It's living and active, sharper than any 2 edged sword. And it's important. Let's read this. All scripture is Inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, That the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Scott Keffer [:

Where adequate is not the greatest definition. It's really fully. Right? Adequate is complete, equipped for every good work. What's it good for? Profit, telephone. It means it's full of profit. And then lastly, let's read from Psalm 19. The law of the lord is perfect Restoring the soul. The test command of the lord is sure, making wise the simple.

Scott Keffer [:

The precepts of the lord are right, Rejoicing in the heart. The commandment of the lord is with pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the lord is clean, Enduring forever. The judgments of the lord are true. They are righteous altogether. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much Fine gold. Moreover, by them your servant is worn, and in keeping them, there's great reward. Warning.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? Restoration of the soul, opening of the eyes. So put down there, what's the greatest value view of the word of God. What's the greatest value

Scott Keffer [:

to you of the word of God? In a world of times, brought with falsehood, absolutely true, have really taken a back seat in the last decade or so. And one of the values of scripture is the absolute truth, and we need not apologize To anybody or holding convictions based upon the absolute truths of the scripture, no matter what the world says in terms of Now Nest, Bagan, all these words that come out of the woodwork, the absolute truth of scripture, through all of that rhetoric.

Scott Keffer [:

Oh, absolute truth. In other words, it's the laser level. Who else? Get the rise to standard,

Scott Keffer [:

Everything else Do what? Yeah. People people pray,

Scott Keffer [:

Lord, answer answer me. Help me. Right? And then They don't go to where he answers. Like I said, it's like texting and turning your phone off. Like, he never answered. Well, hold wait a minute. Turn your phone back on. There's here's where he answers in scripture.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? Conviction. Conviction? Oh, I hate that, don't you? Okay. Conviction. Don't know how many we still know those stats. How many how many cultures, people, groups that don't have scriptures in their language. Right. The fact that we have multiple variations in our language, also the Good work that's happening as somebody's bringing scripture into the language of local Tribes around the world. As we move to the end of days, that needs to happen.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? The scripture would you know, God's word would get throughout the entire world, cover the world, and then he's coming back, something like that. So, again, for all of us because we're you know, if you're in a if you're in a bible believing church and you're in a study, whatnot, it can it's natural That we start to the value of God's word gets diminished or the sense that I have it or I got And or I, you know, I know that's right. So it's a good it's kinda good to reboot fresh. And anew And to reevaluate, it is more desirable than gold, yet than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the driftings of the honeycomb. By then, thy thy servant is warned that in keeping them, there is great reward. I oh, how I love thy law is my meditation all the day. Thy commandments make me wiser than my enemies. I understand more than my teachers.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? I'd understand more than the ages because I have observed thy precepts. Right? His word, very powerful. And Jesus said, you are already clean because of the word which I've spoken to you. You wanna be cleansed. You wanna be refreshed. You wanna be renewed. You wanna be revived. Let the word of God rush through you.

Scott Keffer [:

And remember, we're not coming to a book. We're coming to him. We're coming to him who speak it speaks living. It speaks alive. So when I come here, I'm not just looking at your word, Lord. I'm sitting with you. I mean, a spirit of wisdom and revelation. The knowledge of you is See more of who you are.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? And to continue to be wow. Wow. Remember, he just cracked the door of his glory. He has just cracked the door of his glory. We're just seeing a little ray of the sun. There there is tons of glory behind that. And how many are comfortably amazed at the depth of God's word? You go back and you say, I know this, and you go, oh, well, I didn't know Right? But it's not about accumulating knowledge. It's being in awe of him.

Scott Keffer [:

That's what we're doing. We're not accumulating knowledge or answers. As evangelicals, we try you know, we kinda get we kinda get our confidence in the fact that we know the answers. Don't seek to know the answer. Seek to know him who is the answer. Mhmm. Seek to know him who is the answer. Yeah.

Scott Keffer [:

That's why Dufe, when he leads How to how to lead people with Christ without an argument. I would tell the gospel without an argument. He has unbelievers read. What is that? Read would you read that, please, for me? What does that say to you? Would you read that together? What oh, would you read that, please? Why? Because it's kinda washing through, Pride the word of God does its work. Okay. So he says the very first thing is you're mistaken because you do not stand the scriptures. Your They didn't understand the power of God nor the power of God. Uh-huh.

Scott Keffer [:

They denied super Natural truths. You know my story? I've shared that story before. I'm having lunch with Micah Heliak, and I'm telling about my sister who has an inoperable brainstem tumor, and she goes to UCLA. UCLA says This is an MRI. You have an inoperable tumor. We're gonna radiate it starting on Monday, and likely within 12 months, you'll be in a wheel chair, and you're probably not gonna live more than a year. So I'm having lunch with Mike Heliak. I'm telling him about that, and he said, hey.

Scott Keffer [:

Have you do you know about the Brain Tumor Research center in San Francisco. His son, Michael Haley, he asked the doctor. He said, I'll get a connection. I said, no. Don't worry about it. I'll we'll figure I'll figure it out. So I leave him a message Monday. Friday but that was Wednesday.

Scott Keffer [:

Friday morning, I'm praying in my office, the phone rings, and it's doctor George Wilson, Who's the preeminent brain tumor he's the head of the Brain Tumor Research Center. So miracle That a doctor called me back. Is that a miracle or what? Right? A doctor called you back. Head of the Brain Tumor Research Center. When he says, how do you get by name? I don't understand. This is a referral center. He can't come here directly. I told him the story.

Scott Keffer [:

He said, okay. Here's what you do. Get the test, send it to me, and I'll look at it. Twice a week, we have a roundtable of all our doctors. I called my sister up. She said, no. We're not doing that. We've been to UCLA.

Scott Keffer [:

We've been through this. We're we're just no. No. No. No. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. You know? I said, no.

Scott Keffer [:

Karen, listen to me. Just do this. I'm telling you, God is at work. Please do this. So she said yes. Is that a miracle? Yes. My sister listens to me. Miracle.

Scott Keffer [:

And her husband's at home. So they drive. They get the test. They they, overnight them. Doctor Charlie Wilson gets them. He calls back. He says, do not Do anything. The MRI is not even sufficient to make a good diagnosis.

Scott Keffer [:

You need to get up here. Get to San Francisco. Yes. They had no money. How's that gonna happen? We have 3 kids, all of that stuff. So we share that with Jim Lecky and, Jim and Anna Lecky, and he called me up. Anna Jim and Anna called me up and say, we have, one of our missionaries that we support in Africa That's us $500 and said, God moved on our heart to send you $500. We're using that to buy you a ticket because we had not been have a lot of money either to to fly out to, LA, Los Angeles, and take care of Karen's kids so she can go to to San Francisco.

Scott Keffer [:

So I fly out to watch your kid. We didn't have any at the time. That's a miracle. Another miracle. I'm gonna watch Greek. Greek kids. They were young, and they my my sister was, let them do whatever they wanna do, Including standing on the table and all sorts of stuff, when sergeant Keffer showed up. I it's like then I spent I I don't know how long I was out there.

Scott Keffer [:

I didn't kill them. That a miracle? I I had them I had them walking around the block. And, anyway, that was a miracle. She goes to San Francisco, gets the test, And Charlie Wilson said, it's not an inoperable brain tumor. It's an operable brain tumor. It's not in the brain stem. It's outside, And I'm gonna operate on you. So 8 hour surgery, my dad flew to, San Francisco to be with my sister.

Scott Keffer [:

And in the meantime, before she out there. In the morning, she would say, what are you doing in the backyard? It's full of soup. Because they had 3 dogs or something, which She let go crazy. You know? I sent me in with the Lord. And so during that time, we would I would share with her about the gospel. Here's what you need to know. So after the surgery, the brain brain tumor is removed, and she's well. And she said, I see the kingdom of God now, somewhere in the midst of all that.

Scott Keffer [:

But interestingly enough is In the midst of that, a black nurse comes in. She said my my neck was super painful, massages her neck, And she said the pain literally dissipated. My dad went to thank the nurse, went to the nurses' station, and they said no black nurse In this unit, no black nurse on this floor. Who's the nurse? Yeah. It's a no. Careful? That one probably. That one probably. Well, my sister is living till to this day, and I think Christ is the result of that.

Scott Keffer [:

Miracle? Miracle. So miracle, Signs and wonders, 3 words that are used in scripture, talk about miraculous power, A sign is an indication, a miraculous indication representing, pointing to something else or a marvel, a wonder, something extraordinary, miracle Signs and wonder. I noticed either 1 of 2 things. Right? Either particularly for believers, You go, I don't really know to, let's chase miracles, and, no, it's all about miracles. And if you gotta do miracles, you're not fake. Right? So And and I think for most believers, how many say, I have no idea how to think about miracles. I just don't know how to think about them. Right? I you know? Oh, I don't know.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? I don't know. Because it tends to be either pooh poohed them, right, or we're in search of them. Right? We're looking for them kind of all over, running after them, seeking power. When we sent Josh to, to Texas to go through the What whatever that thing he was in, during that time, a group of them went to Florida, I think. And some guy was, you know, he was kicking people, right, To heal them and and gold in the teeth. I mean, just this bizarre kind of seeking of displays of power. Right? So So as a result of that, you go like, oh, forget it. I I don't even know how to think about miracles, so I don't wanna mess with them.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? So we all know what to do, but there are definitely Signs and wonder. Now David Hume is supposedly the most famous opponent of miracles. He defined a miracle as a transgression of the law of nature. He said there's laws in nature. When a law is broken, that's a miracle. And he said, what we can say that laws of nature are have been established. They're firm and unalterable based on experience. Right? He said, if it if it appears in in in our experience, Therefore, it's normal, so there are no miracles.

Scott Keffer [:

In other words, that that was his that was his way of explaining away miracle. Right? So you have, of course, Somehow in the world today that would say miracles don't exist. They don't happen. Why? Particularly in our age, Because we are in the modern age. We are in the age of modernity. In other words, I only believe in what I could feel, touch, See, measure. Right? And so, therefore, miracles are what we can't see, touch, or measure. They break, Right? Our senses, if you will, they break the natural law.

Scott Keffer [:

And if that were to happen, then there would have to be Something above natural law, which would be supernatural, and that would Cause we need to ask, well, what is that? Right? If if there's a natural law, you have to ask, of course, who set the natural law in place. So RC Sproul said, what's the deal? So and I'm gonna he said the purpose of a miracle is not to prove the existence of God. The purpose of the miracle is to validate the messenger of the word of God. Thanks for listening. I hope you have greater hope, assurance, and confidence in your life and a deeper trust asked in the God of the bible and his son, Jesus Christ. Until next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And may the lord lift up his countenance on you and give you his peace, his shalom in your soul and in your life.

Scott Keffer [:

Until next time. May god bless you and keep you.

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About the Podcast

Beholding Bible Truth
God's Transforming Truth Unveiled
A podcast focused on helping you dig deep into the Bible so you can find greater hope, assurance, and confidence through the shifting sands of life. Join us for our weekly lessons.

About your host

Profile picture for Scott Keffer

Scott Keffer

Scott Keffer is a Business Growth Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker and Bible Teacher, who you may have seen in or on NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, CNBC, Worth, Entrepreneur, Research, Huffington Post, among others.