
Published on:

31st Jul 2024

Work (TrueCrime.#7.2024.07.28)

In this episode of Beholding Bible Truth, Scott Keffer addresses the intersection of faith, work, and vocation. He emphasizes the importance of having a distinctive calling and purpose in work, which can counter feelings of envy and discontent. By integrating biblical truths, Scott discusses how everyone has a divine appointment, using references such as Jeremiah's calling to illustrate this point. Listeners are encouraged to focus on their unique path, utilizing their gifts and talents without succumbing to comparisons with others.

Scott also explores the concept of work from a biblical perspective, discussing whether work originated before or after the fall of Adam. He talks about how work was originally intended to glorify God but was altered by the fall. Highlighting passages from Proverbs 24, Scott discusses the importance of pride and ownership in one's work while cautioning against the extremes of laziness and excessive work. He firmly states that all work is sacred and is to be done for God's glory.

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Key Topics Discussed:

  • Integrating faith and vocation
  • Focusing on calling and purpose
  • Avoiding comparison and embracing personal gifts
  • Biblical understanding of work before and after the fall of Adam
  • Pride and ownership in work from Proverbs 24
  • Diligence and avoiding laziness
  • All work as sacred and done for God's glory
  • Envy, contentment, and the role of social media in generating discontent
Scott Keffer [:

Hi. If you're looking for greater hope, assurance, and confidence through the shifting sands of life, then join me on today's episode as we dig deep into the bible to discover rock solid truth for life and living from the God of the bible. I'm your host, Scott Keffer. Hi, and welcome to today's episode. As always, for a deeper experience, you can go to the show notes and download the blank insight sheet. Fill in the blanks along with the group. Depending on how you're listening to this, there will be a link to the episode website at beholdingbibletruth.com, and a sheet with the answers is included as well. Enjoy today's episode.

Scott Keffer [:

So here's the question. Did work come before the fall of Adam, the fall of mankind, or after? If or in your head, did work come before the fall or after?

Scott Keffer [:

So when I have some question, I

Scott Keffer [:

have chats with believers, right, in all different situations. And being a a a coach in the business world, I get a an array of answers. Some would say before, and some would say after. And the way you answer that would change your view of work change your view of work. And I'm always shocked when people say no. Work as a result of the fall Came after the fall. Well, that would change your view. So if we look on here in Genesis 1 let's read this together.

Scott Keffer [:

We good? God bless them. God said to them, be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed and shall be food for you, and every beast of the earth, and every bird of the sky, and everything that moves on the earth, which has life, given every green plant for food, and it was so. God saw all that he made, behold, it was very good. The word of the lord. Thanks be to god. So what do you see in there? Describe work.

Scott Keffer [:

What do you see in there? JV? Be fruitful. Okay. So this is before. Right? You got a circle. What do you see as you go through there? Be fruitful. What else do you see? Some do. Rule. Subdue.

Scott Keffer [:

Gather. Plan.

Speaker C [:

Appropriate. Yeah.

Scott Keffer [:

Yeah. What's interesting about those fee, fruitful rule, subdued, name, exercise, dominion, gather plan. What are all those?

Speaker C [:


Scott Keffer [:


Speaker C [:

Verbs. They're verbs,

Scott Keffer [:

and they would be Works. The kind of work. Right? So they were they would be the work, the the employment, if you will. The purpose here and they were to be extensions of the glory of God. Right? Weren't they? Extensions of the glory of God. Right? Here's here's my creation. I created you or I created this. I created you in my image.

Scott Keffer [:

Therefore, you were to be little gods. You were to be gods on the earth. And if you did that, you would be fruitful, have dominion, gather plan, procreate, write, rule over that. Okay. That was before the fall. Alright. Let's read after. Then add then to Adam, he, God said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife and the beating from the tree about which I commanded you saying, you shall not eat of the pit.

Scott Keffer [:

First it is the crown to come of you, and toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistle, it shall grow for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face, you will eat bread. So you return to the ground because from it, you were taken. You were dust. To dust, you shall return. Do the same thing. What do you see there? Describe after oil, first, wet, difficult, death, thorns, and the souls.

Scott Keffer [:

Disobedience. K? God didn't God say that was good? Good. And he said, this is first because of you. So notice the verb hasn't changed. The description has changed not of what man was to do, but how the creation would interact with him. So before, the creation would be in harmony with him. After, the creation would be it says, in toil. So it's just saying in toil.

Scott Keffer [:

What's it mean? You will work is now going to be hard. Work is now going to sweat. Work is now going to have resources that are. Thorns and thistles, they're not gonna work in concert with you. How many would say, during my life and work, it's like thorns and thistles? It work like that? You wonder why is it like that? Because of the curse that came about. The call is the same, but because of the curse, the way resources are now interacting with this, they're now again as they're not with us. They're not harmonizing with us. So the call of what we're gonna do hasn't changed, but, boy, the the way that god god's creative, God's creation would interact with us.

Scott Keffer [:

1st is the ground. So now the ground is not infirmity with you, it's against you. Or a curse is the ground. In toil, you'll eat of it. Thorns and thistles, it shall grow for you. You will eat the plants of the field by the sweat of your face or the sweat of your face. Why is work hard? Because of the curse. Yes.

Scott Keffer [:

Certainly big change, isn't it? Big change between the 2. Right? So it's describing the result of the fall of man, describing the results of the fall of man. So I thought about, okay. So how do we think about work? How do we think about work? Well, t g I. Yeah. Oh, thank god. It's Friday. Isn't that how we think about work? Is that right? Is that the right way to think? Can't wait till I'm done.

Scott Keffer [:

Well, that I was in college. I got a job in the steel mill in Western West Virginia. My dad worked for Pittsburgh or National Steel, and I got a job. And the 1st day, I mean, I went in there, and I had a broom, and I'm sweeping and working and, like, he said, get over here. He said, let me tell you. This is what we do. He said, you you push that a little slower. And then maybe 30 minutes, 45 minutes, maybe an hour, and then you head up here.

Scott Keffer [:

So he showed me how to go to the locker room and put my helmet behind my head and take a. So this is what you could do. You take a. Don't make us look bad. So after about a week of that, I shared with my dad on the weekend that I never saw him during the week. And, he said, I I don't wanna hear it. I don't wanna hear it. That's the mill.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? But that's sort of the the the view. Right? How do we how do we think about it? So on the left column, there is one extreme. Here is one extreme on the left of the 3 columns. Or even when we were with you, we used to give you this order, if anyone will not work, neither let him eat. Right? So if you look down those verses, circle some things that stand out to you. What do you see? One extreme is on the left hand column. Not eating if oh. Yeah.

Scott Keffer [:

No work. No no work. No no tiki. No laundry. Yeah. Right? Okay. So we see no work, no evil. Okay? Praise with no satisfaction.

Scott Keffer [:

K? Work is valued. Laziness is laziness is What did you say? Discourage? Strongly? K? What else do you see there? On the left hand column. Oh, so the result of no work equals poor. K?

Speaker D [:

The last one is, like, just resign. The slugger says there's a lion outside. Oh, I'll be slain in the streets.

Scott Keffer [:

So that would be wrapped up in the word excuse. Right? Excuses. Excuse. Well, I can't work. There's a lion out there. Of course. Of course, there is outside of your house. Excuses.

Scott Keffer [:

Interesting. And what's the other definition? So this is either no work or the proper 104, what's kinda work. Proper 104, what's it say. So do you know? Have you delivered? Have you been around negligent work? If you've hired contractors at your house, you know what negligent work is. These days, I have to battle them with a, like, Right? We wonder, are we the only ones that have this consistent problem with negligent work? Right? So negligent work, which what does that mean negligent? Don't care. Details don't matter. Right? All that stuff. Okay? No pride or ownership.

Scott Keffer [:

At first Proverbs 24, the second one down, it says, the government worker does not plow after the oh, no. Oh, That that must be the post office. So think about today. Right? Today so here it says, Greg, you don't need if you don't work. Laziness, excuses, whatever. But think about how how how the government system works. It doesn't matter whether you can work or not. It just matter whether you will not work.

Scott Keffer [:

If you will not work, you get money. And here it says, if you are able to work, you don't get you don't need. You're able to work and you don't, you don't need. Laziness, slunkiness. Right? So what experience? Next column, what do you see in it? Here's another extreme. Excessive. Wrong reasons, which would be greed, wanna get rich. K? What else? Lack of breast, which would be over Excessive work.

Scott Keffer [:

Yeah. Excessive work. Yeah. Overwork or workaholic. Heard that phrase. Right? Workaholic. In conjunction with that is pride. Pride.

Scott Keffer [:

Pride. But but not, like, proud of your work. So the wrong kind of pride. Because there is good pride, excellent work proud, and then there's pride of work. Right? Materialism, noncontentment, love of

Speaker D [:


Scott Keffer [:

Money, They can get an idol. So 2 extremes, Yeah. Interesting. So they're they're slacking intent on both sides. Right? Right. Right. There's a column there that you're pouring water in that's never never gets sold. Right? Mhmm.

Scott Keffer [:

Yeah. Lack of content is on both sides, interestingly enough. You already there? I I can't imagine, but let me catch the wind. Let me catch the wind. Right? Driving after wind. Driving after wind. Okay. So let's get some balance here in the 3rd column.

Scott Keffer [:

What do you see? Circle, what do you see? What's a biblical view? What's a biblical view? Dependence on the Lord rather than dependence upon self. Dependence on the Lord? K? What else? Fear of the Lord, diligence for the Lord, godliness. Right? The character of rest. Good strength. Rest. And And your bucket actually gets full. Be anxious. Complete.

Scott Keffer [:

So you do your work, right, not with external, but it shows exactly what it looks like. Not with external service, nearly pleasing men, sincerity of art, heartily. Our thing, project, everything. That's everything. They're all too bad thing. What happened? Alright. So give it a kinda picture. Yeah.

Scott Keffer [:

And then think about Proverbs 10. It's the blessing of the Lord. Do you ever ask the Lord to bless your your work? Ever less the Lord bless my work? Bless me we pray when I we head out to that event. Bless me to be a blessing. I wanna be a blessing. Bless me to be a blessing to these people. That's what I'm here for. Bless me to be a blessing at work.

Scott Keffer [:

Yeah. Bless the work of our hands. Or, some would also say confirm the work of my hands. Confirm the work. Like, make it so. It's the Lord who completes your work. So with sincerity apart, right, not pleasing men, but pleasing the Lord. And the Lord confirm it.

Scott Keffer [:

Like, make it work. Make it do what I wanted to do. Work is about a result bringing value to whatever situation I'm in. I should take down resources and bring them to another level. Otherwise, I'm irrelevant. Why am I there? Not just to talk and hang around, but I'm to take his resources and bring them to a higher level. That make sense? The blessing of the Lord. So it's a blessing.

Scott Keffer [:

And as much as the church says it ain't so, there's this sense that don't get caught up doing that work out there. You get more credit with the work you do here. Do you really believe that? No. We don't believe that. But the message is don't get caught up in all that work out there. Mhmm. Come on here and do this work, suggesting that there's different levels of work. And I look at scripture, and I say, that's a Greek mindset.

Scott Keffer [:

That's not a Jewish mindset. A Jewish mindset is it's all one, and, really, it's God's mindset. So I put on there, there is no secular work. There is no secular work. All work, like all life, is sacred. All work, like, all life, it's sacred. Whether you eat or drink, that's pretty based stuff. Right? When you eat or drink, just filling your need, whether you're either going to all to the glory of God.

Scott Keffer [:

Brother Andrew used to say wash dishes to the glory of God. Practice the presence of the Lord. Does that make sense? So there is no secular sacred. It's all sacred and God's economy. Everything we do to his glory. That make sense? So we need constantly to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. And we're we we we stew in a pot, marinate in a pot of the world system. So as I you guys speak, invisible carbon monoxide of our world system and even, right, even inside of the Christian thought world, we just have to be careful to keep a biblical view of the work of our hands work of our hands.

Scott Keffer [:

That make sense? We're gonna look at video today. He's gonna talk about work, a little bit about envy and how work is the antidote to envy. So the big question will be, what happens when we do this? We'll see. Alright. So I thought about this in terms of how do you literally apply this to us? Because scripture is about how do I apply this to my own life. So in some ways, thinking about envy and contentment only sets my mind on envy and contentment. Kinda like, don't throw it down low and put the love. So what is it? And, of course, scripture is part of the ways that our heart is renewed.

Scott Keffer [:

So we we we protect our heart, regard our heart for out of it flow. So we'll be putting in the heart. The other, I think, is to get a real clear sense of where, my challenges are. So on the right hand side, I think part of the challenge is, right? I want there. And this tends to be right? When I think about the on the right hand side, I want their that tends to be their stuff, their status. Right? So on the right hand side is I want their stuff. I want their status. Right? I want their freedom, whatever that might be in life, their station in life.

Scott Keffer [:

Does that make make sense? Their stuff, their status, their station in life. So part of envy is I want their stuff. Right? And so that's a big challenge. And then, of course, that's fed on a regular basis. That's the basis of social media, everybody get. Do you understand that? I mean, envy is the basis in social media. That's why it works. And then if I add if I add endorphin brushes, then I can update you.

Scott Keffer [:

So it's a a little bit like, you know, hand handing out, right, Envy cocaine. You do a little bit of Envy cocaine, crack cocaine, and then pretty soon you're addicted to Envy. And then we do endorphin brushes and then all day long. Right? Let's just keep boom. Boom. Boom. And then pretty soon, it's easy to get discontent because I want their stuff. I want their status.

Scott Keffer [:

I want their station in life. Right? But as and the the flip side of it, I was thinking about this as as Christians. Right? How does this play in the that plays for sure, but the flip side of it is, on the left hand side, I wish I had their talent. I wish I had their gifts. Right? Their spiritual gift envy. Of course, there is. I mean, we we fooling ourselves if we didn't. Right? I I I wish I had their recognition.

Scott Keffer [:

There are, you know, parts of the body that are more out front, parts of the body that are more behind. Right? So on the left hand side, this is stopped. Right? This over here is is is talents, gifts, and recognition. As Christians, that stuff that we would envy. Right? I wish I I had there. Right? This is I want their stuff. This is I wish I had theirs. And that in in the center of that, I thought is so

Scott Keffer [:

what is how do we how do

Scott Keffer [:

we how do we inoculate ourself? What's the antidote to that self? It's to press into something, right, which is we would say you're calling because it gives me a focus in terms of my my life. Right? It gives me a focus. So if you look in there, Jesus said, you didn't choose me, but underline, I chose you. You choose me, and I didn't just choose you to choose you. I chew I chose you that you would underline bear fruit. And that that's that's that's not character fruit. That's fruit, and that your fruit should remain. It's it's it's that you would multiply yourself, that you would bear fruit.

Scott Keffer [:

Jeremiah, God says to him, before before I formed you where? In the world. In the world. Before I formed you in the world, I knew you. And before you were born, underline this, I consecrated you. I set you apart, and I have appointed you. Profit to the nations is his appointment. Each one of you can fill that in with your appointment. Everybody was appointed by God for something.

Scott Keffer [:

He was a prophet to the nations. Paul was to preach to the Gentiles, but everyone's appointed. And your gifting is aligned with your appointment. Then I said, of course, you know, Jeremiah said to all the lord, no. You're confused. You can't use me, not me, Lauren. Don't you know I can't speak? Lord says to him, do not say I'm the youth. He says, don't give me your excuses because I'm equipping you.

Scott Keffer [:

Don't give me your excuses. He said, oh, I'm too young. I can't speak what Moses say. I can't talk. You know, I've never been an orator. Right? Whatever that is. He said, don't say that. Everywhere that I send you, you shall go.

Scott Keffer [:

All I commend you, you shall speed. So God chose you before you were born. God chose you before you were born. And so one of the ways that we focus our life is to understand that you've been a consecrated and appointed and set apart for something, a grander purpose. Right? In the midst of your work at home, your work outside, your you know, all of that stuff, there is a you know, I always say it's like James Bond. Wherever he is, he has a mission. So wherever you are, you have a mission. Whether you're heading out to right? Wherever.

Scott Keffer [:

We're on a mission. Right? So it's import important to know what is your mission in line. Right? We would call it your calling. Right? Your calling. So if you see the guide there, right, on the path, down here, right, you're born with your calling, but it's your calling up here that focuses your life up in the left hand corner. Right? So here's that pad that you're calling up there in the left hand corner. That that was before you were born, and that's the focus of your life. Does that make sense? It's the true north of your life.

Scott Keffer [:

It's your calling according to what God has set you apart from. Did not choose me, but I chose you. Right? And then the thought is, okay. When when my vocational work stops, you're calling after your retirement. Right? So there's a time if you live long enough where you're out of that vocational work, if you will. So what is that? Well, he says, even when I am old and Gray. Grayer. It's just gray getting grayer.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? I'm I'm being sure it's that. Even I'm old and continue to get gray. Oh, god. Do not forsake me. And then the phrase there is, until I until I, that's the blank, until I declare. So the song that says, Lord, don't forsake me until I declare thy strength to this generation thy power to all to come. In other words, I have a purpose that continues on to the end. So he says, mine is to declare.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? So depending on how your calling is, some calling teach, lead, help, administration, whatever that is, those are part of your calling. He said, lord, don't forsake me. I wanna fulfill it up to the end. Does that make sense? Even after the vocation. I love this. He says, they will still yield fruit in old age. Look around. The miles are adding up.

Scott Keffer [:

But he says to you, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that the engine is slowed down. It doesn't matter that you don't can't go as fast as you used to go. It doesn't matter the gray on the hair and that the body's weak and then your AE and all that stuff. You will still bear fruit even until the last day, even until the minute I call you home. It's a promise from him. That's why he said, Lord, do not forsake me. Why? Because I have this doubt that I can carry out your calling and purpose till the end of days.

Scott Keffer [:

That make sense? That's what we're gonna say. Lord, do not forsake me. Do not forsake me. So the big challenge, of course, with Indeed is you're inside of your plot up to the left hand side of this. That's your plot. Why? He says, trust in the Lord and do good. Well, in the land and cultivate faithfulness. I have a plot in the land.

Scott Keffer [:

It's my plot. It's what God has called you to. It's easy on your plot to look over and see, oh, how about their plot? Well, I got talents over there and resources and what are you doing over there? What what's going on? It's easy to look around, isn't it? To compare plots. I'm sure it's on another plot. How about their plot over there? Well, theirs is better. We never lose the ones that are harder. They're little well, theirs look easier over there. Isn't that a lot? So he says, dwell in the land and cultivate.

Scott Keffer [:

The word is tend or or to 10. That means work. 10 faithfulness. Plant. Bear fruit. Right in your own plot. Don't be looking around where the plot's to your right and the box to your left. Thank you.

Scott Keffer [:

And the promise is they will still yield fruit in old age. That's a great promise, isn't it? Because you sometimes you wonder. You do when you're younger. Does my life matter? The longer you go, you start to think, it's not, like, really matter. Does a matter if I get out of bed today. Right? The the the little things that I'm doing, yeah, they matter. They matter a lot. So what do I have to be aware of? What do I have to be aware of? Beware of the Barcalounger.

Scott Keffer [:

Beware of the Barcalounger. For God is not unjust. Well, how many is he unjust? Look at this. He says, as to the Hebrews, to forget your

Speaker D [:

work. Lord

Scott Keffer [:

Lord has forgotten your work. And the love which you have shown toward his name, have you done that? By having served and by So still serving. Did we get that? So it's what you did, and you're still at it. Still at it. And he says, we desire that each one of you demonstrate the same

Speaker D [:


Scott Keffer [:

Diligence. That's kinda like what they said in Proverbs. Kinda like it's the same author. Gee. The same diligence. Why would I apply diligence? So as to so what's the so as or for the sake of is pointing to? So what's the point of this? So as to realize what are you realizing? The full assurance of hope. Full assurance of hope. Until the end.

Scott Keffer [:

Until the end. So what's the ultimate purpose of that? So that you will not be sluggish is the word in the new American Standard. So that you will not be a barcalounger.

Speaker D [:

La Z Boy.

Scott Keffer [:

La Z Boy.

Speaker D [:

Better name.

Scott Keffer [:

Is it? Better name?

Speaker D [:

More picturesque.

Scott Keffer [:

More picturesque. However you see it. Right? It's the, you know, it's the, you know, getting on the lazy river at the, you know, at Kingwood and just gotta slowly slide until the end. So he said, well, in the land, You you began with a calling. You end with a calling. The calling focuses my life, and it gives me purpose all the days of my life. Everybody get that? So in vocation, I honor the Lord because it's not there is no secular or sacred. It's all sacred.

Scott Keffer [:

There's time when the sacred vocational work may come to an end, but my work doesn't come to an end. Work doesn't come to an end. In America, it's come to an end and go play. Play for the rest of your life. Right? Come down to the playground. We have now adult playgrounds where you play for the rest of your life. But but remember, wherever you go, bring your purpose, your calling. Does that make sense? And what does that do? That gives purpose so we can rise above

Speaker D [:


Scott Keffer [:

As we're challenged with our NDA. We'll still have it. It doesn't go away. The presence of sin doesn't go away till we meet him. We meet him face to face, envy will be gone. In the meantime, you know, scripture, prayer, all of that to kind of tamper our envy, but it's there bubbling around, isn't it? And and, the antidote to that is to be really focused on the calling that he asked me. Purpose that he asked you. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith, who said the joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Scott Keffer [:

What's he doing? He's advocating for you. So that you will not grow weary and lose heart or slip into your parka lounger or your what? What is it? Lazy boys. Lazy boys. Lazy boys. Alright. Write down the insight. Write down the insight. He also, in

Speaker D [:

the book, he didn't say it in the video. And since we're watching the Olympics, it was a survey

Scott Keffer [:


Speaker D [:

a study on metal winners. That's true. And they said that, the person who wins the bronze is happier and more content than the person who wins the silver. Because the bronze medal winner is just grateful that they made it in by the skin of their teeth for a bronze, but the silver is discontented because the gold was so close and yet they didn't get it. I just thought that was really interesting. We wanna be bronze medal winners, not silver medal medal winners.

Scott Keffer [:

And in Christ, we can all be gold medal winners, which is really that's that's the power of grace. At the end of our days because of the Lord Jesus, because of his righteousness and his work on our behalf, we become the well doneers. Right? We we become in Christ. Right? So he says, you know, press into that so we could say I fought a good fight and finish the course. Right? It kept the faith. Right? To to wanna to wanna win that race and the race that we still get to when we can't run even when we can't run, we can we can run that race. Who else?

Speaker C [:

Funny story if I can share it. I would say my dad was very. And when he was up in here, he lived to be a 100. We knew he's having trouble getting out of the chair, so we bought him a power chair that would lift you up. And Dan would never use it. We said, Dan, why aren't you using the power chair? He says, it'll make a place.

Scott Keffer [:

You can't. That would cherry. Up up there. Right? It still make me lazy. That'll make me lazy. Come here. That's good. That's good.

Scott Keffer [:

That's very good. Anybody else today? That's a good lesson. And then it's also good you know, we look at other people for inspiration, not for comparison. Because the way they're wired, length of days, strength of all of that stuff, people, are operating a different pace. I don't compare myself to Paul. That's not a good thing. Paul had a certain calling the way he was wired. Right? So it's same way.

Scott Keffer [:

We look to other people, not for comparison, but for inspiration, not to say, oh, I should be like that as much as am I am I leaning into the plot that God's given me. The gifts and the talents and that there there. And then I trust the results they have. I trust the results they have. He's the one. The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord. The results of the Lord.

Scott Keffer [:

So I prepare myself, get

Scott Keffer [:

on the horse at the end of the day, but I don't look at somebody else's horse. That horse is running fast. You know? Right? So I wanna get you like, free yourself from Christian envy. Right? Be in your plot, dwell in the land, cultivate faithfulness, and trust the results they have and the fruit. And may the god who confirms the work of your hands, may he bless you, may he keep you, may he cause his face to shine upon you, may he lift up his countenance and give you that shalom, the deep shalom of your soul. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the father, and the blessing and the favor of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always through all of your work. Mhmm. The Lord bless you and keep you.

Scott Keffer [:


Scott Keffer [:

Thanks for listening. I hope you have greater hope, assurance, and confidence in your life and a deeper trust in the God of the Bible and his son, Jesus Christ. Until next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And may the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you his peace, his shalom in your soul and in your life. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

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About the Podcast

Beholding Bible Truth
God's Transforming Truth Unveiled
A podcast focused on helping you dig deep into the Bible so you can find greater hope, assurance, and confidence through the shifting sands of life. Join us for our weekly lessons.

About your host

Profile picture for Scott Keffer

Scott Keffer

Scott Keffer is a Business Growth Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker and Bible Teacher, who you may have seen in or on NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, CNBC, Worth, Entrepreneur, Research, Huffington Post, among others.